Safety Pin America

Our Resistance

Your Safety

You are safe with me ...

Muslim, Jewish, or other religion,

a Woman,


a person of color,


an Immigrant,


or afraid ...

Speak and I will ...

Listen to You,

Hold You,

Hug You,

Stand Up for You,

Sit down with You.

If you are ...

If you want to create your own card to hand out with your Safety Pins download these images.

Right Click then select


depending on your browser.





The safety pin became a symbol of safety in Britain when immigrants began to become the target for discrimination.  Recently it has become the same symbol in the United States.


Some famous people have adopted the symbol, including Patrick Stewart, Cass Bird, and Jamie King (who posted the same words as Cass Bird).


Most people in the USA that have adopted wearing the safety pin view it as a statement of resistance to hate and negativity, and not a statement directly about the recent elections.


Some have said the safety pin is not a bipartisan symbol, but being partisan is not the point.  We want to show that we believe in an inclusive society, and we are against every type of discrimination, regardless of the political party.


Here is a link to a New York Times article.  (Free registration may be required to read.  Free accounts are limited to ten articles per month).

Version 29-Nov-2016 A